Web content

Connect with your ideal user correctly at each stage of the funnel and position your brand with content that adds value.

What do you get with a
Web Content Strategy?

Connect with users

By providing attractive, quality, and trending content, you can attract users. When you do it in the right tone and add value, a link is created between them and your brand.

User loyalty

Good content, in the appropriate format and at the right time, will allow you to captive your target. If you do it consistently, it will build a loyal user.

Generate conversion opportunities

At the consideration stage, we know how to focus the content to become potential leads into customers.

Brand reputation

Quality content makes you a reference and generates authority, even being a search source for users. This element will consolidate your brand image and gain greater recognition.

Educate about your industry

Uno de los objetivos de crear contenido para tu marca es educar al usuario sobre tu producto o servicio al igual que otros temas del sector. Esto le dará una mejor idea de la funcionalidad y necesidades que cubre al momento de comprar.

Increased brand engagement

Generating engagement depends on pleasing the wishes of your target, which is why when you offer quality content, optimized and regularly, you will strengthen the bond with your target.

Content Plan

Trend Search

With our trends study, we build content based on the needs and preferences of each period.


We study the competition to identify the key points that work for their strategy to take it and transform them as elements that benefit your brand.

Content planning

A good topic requires thorough planning. From the title, going through the subtopics, and closing with the CTA copies, we validate more than 12 factors to make it have interaction, positioning, and goal achievement.

Content curation

To achieve that your brand communicates what is essential and stays up-to-date, we review each piece of content and refine, update or simplify it to boost your content and SEO strategies.

Definition of writing style

We analyze your brand, the industry you belong to, and the audience you want to attract, and we adjust the style of writing and communication so that the content arrives in a friendly and effective way.

Engagement Measurement

We analyze the performance metrics obtained by the contents through the channels where they are promoted to make decisions and make continuous improvements.

Our method
Frequently Asked Questions about
web content.
¿Why is it important to plan a content strategy?

The content is transversal within any digital strategy, covering the content of your website, social networks, and other platforms where your brand will be visible. An effective content plan will fulfill the objective of attracting and increasing sales while consolidating the authority of your site and retaining customers.

¿What is digital content, and what types exist?

It is all the information you can find about a brand in digital media, like your website, social networks, platforms, etc. There are different formats, which are the types of content that can be generated within your brand strategy: logs, infographics, images, videos, podcasts, e-books, audiobooks, etc.

¿What is quality content?

Quality content is all you can find in a strategy executed by Paxzu. We work with you so that the growth objectives of your brand are adjusted to the plan. This plan is outlined within the content and search engine marketing campaign to create attractive formats that persuade, attract and retain your target to take them through the conversion funnel to be customers of your brand.